Thursday 24 January 2019

5 Steps to Help Attract Your Lover To You

One of the most powerful things i know of that you can do to attract your lover to you, is to raise your energy to become a more attractive human being. And, by attractive, i dont mean necessarily "good looking". Plenty of good looking women (and men) still end up with their hearts broken in a state of despair, unhappy with themselves, their partners and their lives. so how do you become more attractive to your partner?
Here are five ways how.

1. Know yourself: The most attractive thing in life is a confident person. Confident people trust that they can have what they want in life. So much so, it practically falls right into their laps. How do you get to that confident place? Begin by getting really clear about what you want, don't want and what you will, and will not tolerate. Then, trust sooner or later you will get what you want. So, dont put up with or allow for, what you don't want in your life. Only then will you be able to attract what you do want to you.

2. Love Yourself. Remember, we teach other people how to treat us. Too many of us allow for lousy treatment and behavior. When it comes to other people, dont read words, read behaviours! Actions do speak louder than words. put your focus on what a person does, not says and how he/she is actually treating you. Then, be confident enough and love yourself enough to let crummy treatment go. When all you get is crumbs from someone, face it, you are in a crummy relationship.

3. Love your Life. Whether you are in, or out of a relationship, you need to keep your energy high. How? By creating as much as possible an experience of being alive! Think about it. Who are you attracted to? People who are depressed, bored, troubled, angry or people who are happy, energetic, excited, curious, open, compassionate, full of self-esteem, fun, and joy? Now which kind of person are you? And, if you are not the kind of person you would be attracted to, how can you become that person? Start by taking giant leaps. Most of us get there faster by taking baby steps. Remember, i believe in you! So, get started. Take the baby steps. Do something each and every day to help you love your life

4. Understand Sex Isn't Love. One of the biggest mistakes women make is to assume sex equals love. It doesn't. We think sex equals love because when orgasm takes place Oxytocin is released from our brains, and oxytocin is the "Love" chemical in our biology. But here is the kicker! When a man has an orgasm, he feels that chemical release for maybe one or two hours. When a woman gets an Oxytocin release, She can experience it for a day or longer. Thus, a woman feels more attached to a man she is having a sex with.
Biologically even, a man does not! Men also live in a culture that teaches them they have perceived higher status  if they sleep with a lot of women. Sixty years ago, this wasn't the case. Men had more pressure from society to get married and stay married and affairs were more taboo. Now they are common place. Sadly, we women are catering to men with sex thinking it will get us a man's love. It won't. It will get us sex. That's all. Worse, it can actually biologically age us. Why? Because brain research shows when a woman has a break from the bonding she experiences through sex, another chemical is poured into her system, cortisol. Cortisol is released during stress and is responsible for aging us, because research shows women feel stressed when the "love" bond is too rapidly broken. This stress control dump is one reason women get hysterical and depressed. So love yourself and your life enough to not fool yourself that sex will get a man's love. It won't. Enjoy the sex. if you want, but keep your wits about you. You will stay far more attractive and realistic if you dont get the two confused.

5. Become a High Status Person. No I don't want you to become a snob, believing you are above everyone else. And, i am not talking about becoming aloof or unapproachable. I am talking about knowing you have worth, and not letting other people degrade your worth. Whateve
r your unique talents and gifts are, make sure that the people around you are taking the time to see those talents and gifts are, make sure that the people around you are taking the time to see those talents and gifts and that they are respecting that you have them. I call this "the auction effect" Have you ever been on EBay or at an auction, and noticed that an item that started out only costing $5, Suddenly is sold for $50? What has happened here? The perceived value has gone up. That is what i want to happen with you. I want your perceived value to go up. In terms of relationships, that means allowing other people to help you increase your worth. Then you dont get taken for granted (even if you are already in a committed relationship or married). By becoming more attractive, by staying attractive, the people you are with feel your value. They may even feel your value going up. Then, they dont want to lose you, because you end up meaning that much more to them. That is the beauty of the auction effect, and what i want you to experience as well.


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