Friday 29 April 2016

46. Say thanks. 
Let him know that you notice the little things he/her does by saying thank you
47. Cook a meal together.
Come up with a menu, shop, and prepare the food together.
48. Have fun with hypotheticals.
Conversation can become routine. Break from the ordinary and have a silly dinner conversation made entirely of imaginary situations—for example, “If you were on an island and could only bring five movies, which movies would you bring?
49. Keep a couple’s journal. 
Write down your desires and fantasies and leave them out for your significant other to find—encourage him to write back.
50. Agree to disagree. 
This is one of the most important relationship tips, as you both have strong opinions and therefore some issues will never be resolved. Respect each other’s point of view and agree not to argue about the same issue, unless it’s something that could get in the way of your future, like politics, religion, or values.
51. Set goals. 
In addition to setting life goals, set relationship goals. For example: We aim to spend more time together outside rather than in front of the TV.
52. Take responsibility for your own happiness
Love is grand, but at the end of the day the only person we can hold accountable for our happiness is ourselves. Do volunteer work, exercise, host dinner parties—find what satisfies you, and go from there.
53. Learn each other’s conflict habits.
Make an effort to understand you and your partner’s conflict habits so you can break bad patterns and find a middle ground that’s productive and respectful.
54. Define love. 
While “I love you,” is an extraordinary thing to say—and an equally wonderful thing to hear—it means something different to each person. Tell each other what you’re saying when you declare these magic words. It could be a list of many sentiments such as, “I would do anything for you,” and “I trust you completely.”
55. Take turns planning date nights that are actual, real, capital-D Dates 
Takeout and TV doesn’t count.
56. Approach your partner’s issues in the context of how they affect the relationship.
It’ll reduce the chances they feel personally attacked for no reason.
57. Cuddle.
Make ample time for cuddling. Whether or not it leads to sex, physical affection is important.
58. Don’t forget to say “I Like You.”
The greatest compliment you can give a partner (especially a long-term partner) is reminding them that not only do you love them, but also like them.
59. Have a spontaneous midday tryst. 
Send him a text as he’s about to go on his lunch break, take time out on a Saturday, however you want to play it.
60. Travel together.
Seeing the world together creates amazing shared memories.

Wednesday 27 April 2016

31. Small gifts go a long way.
Bringing home a pack of their favourite candy/magazine/book by a favourite author never gets old.
32. Graham Parsons has a song lyric that says “I just want to hold you, I don’t want to hold you down.”
Let that be your motto when you’re giving your partner advice.
33. Log onto Instagram and like all their photos.
Just because.
34. Plan a date where you revisit the spot you went on your first date.
Remember all the amazing things that brought you from then to now.
35. Go on a walk together somewhere beautiful.
And don’t forget to turn off your cell phones.
36. Surprise them with dinner.
One unexpected night, surprise your partner with a home-cooked meal, and a nicely-set table.
37. Review your top five favourite funny things your partner has done.
Because your partner is funny! That’s part of why you like them.
38. Go to gym class together.
Or other exercise class together. Your body and relationship will thank you!
39. Go on a road trip, even if you’re not going anywhere far. 
It’s nice to get out of town sometimes.
40. Pick up a six-pack of toilet paper or (even better) a six-pack of beer.
Without even being asked.
41. Keep the surprises coming.
Think of your relationship as a creative challenge. To keep the romance fresh, come up with new date ideas, new sex positions, and new ways to demonstrate your love.
42. Plan small outings.
Whether its brunch this weekend, or a trip to a new neighbourhood.
43. Make out.
Kissing is something that is often set to the side the longer a couple has been together. Out of blue one day, initiate a high-school style make-out session.
44. Let it go.
Don’t hold onto that thing your lover said or did six months ago and bring it up each time you get mad at him. Do both of you a favour and let it go

45. Don’t interrupt. 
Even if what you think your significant other is saying is uninteresting, don’t bulldoze over his or her words. Being able to listen to each other—even when the details are mundane

6. Stop complicating things that aren’t complicated enough.
Don’t pull a Carrie Bradshaw during the Aiden years: If you bemoan the fact that your relationship is going too well, you might need to revisit why you’re constantly seeking out drama.
17. Assume that if something was said that hurt your feelings, it wasn’t intended that way.
Why would they want to upset you or hurt you? Give your partner the benefit of the doubt, but if it’s really bothering you, don’t be afraid to bring it up.
18. Write notes.
Whether you have study hall together or live together, handwritten notes are personal touches in today’s highly digital world.  
19. Pitch in.
Help each other with chores and other necessary, if banal, activities — cooking, cleaning, re-organizing, etc. Not doing them if you live together can create tension, and always doing them can create unfair expectations. Act as team of equals.
20. Disconnect.
Step away from the laptop during quality time. Everything on the Internet will still be there later.
21. Allow things to be what they are.
Sometimes bad days and bad moods happen. Don’t go crazy trying to make everything better. Just be supportive and loving, because just being there at the end of a bad day can make it better for both of you.
22. Create mini-traditions.
Creating small rituals can really help hold up a couple because they become “your thing.” Whether it’s a fancy night out during the holiday season, or watching a certain show every week, these are things that’ll give you both something to look forward to, and it’ll bring you closer together.
23. Be an open book.
They can either deal with it or they can’t, but if you can’t be your most honest self with this person, it’ll come out eventually.
24. Compliment, and often.
You’re there to make each other feel like your best selves, so let the genuine praise flow freely. Like his outfit? Tell him! Like her hair today? Let her know!
25. Make promises that you really can keep.
Say things that you want to follow through with out loud. It’ll make you work harder to make them happen. Having—and setting—levels of reasonable expectations for your relationship is a healthy way to keep it strong.
26. Acknowledge positive actions.
When you and your partner see positive actions, solutions, or behavior in one another, acknowledge it and remind each other to keep it up.
27. Establish genuine connections with the other’s friends and family.
Hang out together with both of your friends and family. This is the stuff that makes the world go ’round, people!
28. Pay attention to the tiny things that bother your partner, and if it’s painless for you, work to change them. 
We’re not talking changing your laugh or your style, but if you know that your partner really hates it when you leave the kitchen counter cluttered, try to make a point of clearing it off before he gets home. It’s an easy enough thing to do and it makes their day better, so why not?
29. Never, never forget to ask about the other person’s day. 
It’s such an easy slight to avoid!

30. Only one person gets to have the bad day. 
If your partner’s day sucked and yours was just “eh,” let them have the pity (and the control of the remote, and the choice of take-out). If it’s you, announce it early and let them know you need the support. If it’s a toss-up, trade stories about why your days were so awful and you’ll end up laughing while trying to figure out who wins.

Tuesday 26 April 2016


6. Create a checklist.
Jot down new and fun things you want to accomplish for a day as a duo.
7. Talk to couples over 65 years old. 
Get relationship tips from them, and see what you can take away to apply to your relationship.
8. Stop and appreciate all that your relationship is this very second.
Stop living for what it can be.  This person is choosing to be in your life every day, not every day in the future.
9. Revisit the questions you asked in the beginning.
What are you hoping to accomplish in the next year? What are you scared of? These answers change, so we need to keep asking these questions.
10. Find 10 things you really love about them and tell them. 
Guys need confidence boosters, too!
11. Stop nagging. 
Seriously, stop. Take a step back and figure out the big things about your partner that truly bother you, and approach them from a place of concern and support instead of nitpicking for sport. That’ll get you nowhere.
12. Get over needing to be right.  
Learning to say “I was wrong” is a skill worth learning.
13. Take care of yourself. 
No relationship can be successful if you don’t feel good about yourself, both inside and out.
14. Know what you need and then ask for it.
You’re dating a human, not a magical psychic.
15. Take a class.
It’s proven that couples who learn together connect deeper. Find some common ground (cooking? art? science?) and go from there. 

stay tuned for more tomorrow

Monday 25 April 2016

Relationships are hard. Finding somebody you want to spend time with can be difficult enough, but once that happens, you’ve got to deal with the task of maintenance: keeping things fresh, finding time for each other, and generally just coming up ways to navigate the tricky ups and downs every partnership faces. Lucky for you, we’ve come up with 101 relationship tips—some big, some small—that’ll help you improve any partnership. 
From how to deal with jealousy to how to get over a potentially deadly lull, I
’ve got 101 relationship tips that you can start implementing right now, so start reading!
1. Listen.
It might sound obvious, but when you really allow yourself to listen—and ask questions about—what your partner says, it not only leads to better conversations, but also better communication.
2. Take a few days apart.
Missing each other is a great way to reconnect. Try grabbing some girlfriends for an overnight or a weekend getaway every few months.
3. Find a support team.
Have a handful of great friends or family members you can call so your significant other doesn’t have to hear every small grievance going on your life.
4. Put away your phones.
One of the biggest relationship tips is to give your undivided attention when your partner is speaking. It’s is one of the most important things you can do.
5. Volunteer together.
Giving back is a great way to keep perspective of how great your relationship is, and how lucky you both are
Stay tuned for more tomorrow

Monday 18 April 2016

The Mirror of Life 

Life is but a mirror,
Looking back at us.
Everything we do each day,
Should lead us to impress.

And sometimes when we need,
To see life differently.
We have that mirror to help us,
Change our view gently.

The eyes of everyone,
Also reflect back.
Mirrors come in different ways,
To show us what we lack.

But most importantly,
Don't forget to always look.
Be your best 
And life will look after the rest.

What we see and what we do 
Are reflections of what is true
Don't let your mirror reflect the things
That you do not want to come true.

Instead each day set your goals
Strive to complete, it is good for your soul.
Give life all you've got
Never look in the mirror and stop. 
To each morning the sun does shine
When all seems like a newborn time
To dwell in laughter so much
Is only the beginning for me to clutch.

I will go out to find
Intelligent people of like mind.
To suffer or endure
Of friends who but will not do.

To look upon the earth with glee
For all beauty is in me
To grasp the clouds way up high
There is more before I die.

May I go upon the street
Never ending on my feet
Seeking out the best in others
Always to find I have more brothers.

To make a part of the world
A better place you see.
For every one I must explore
To look upon them as no one before.

To seek out and help
Others is more than joy
To be valued and respected
In all my life reflected.

All of this as said before
Makes me want to reach out more
For it is a challenge for me to reach
This is success for all to preach.

Friday 8 April 2016

The Day I Fell in Love

The day my eyes opened I realized the sun shone everyday
The beauty of the sunrise in the morning filled my heart with joy
The magnificent sunset moments in the evening, lifted my spirit
The fresh breath of falling waters, made me smile inwardly
Birds humming sweetly took my heart afar to Sweetland and I rejoiced
I looked then I saw, the beauty I never realized as each day passed
Moments with the nature bonded me with the Creator
I comprehended the one who created for He is greater than I
I laughed joyfully as I walked on the grass and mingled with the nature
Fresh drops of water touched my feet, the feeling made me cry of joy
How could I have not seen and known all this beauty before?
Days became sweet to me, nothing else mattered so much except You
The times we shared together in our secret place built me
I took heed of Your Word and kept your statutes in my heart so I may not depart from You
I keep the Word   from you so I may do things your way and be successful
When I opened up to You, You gave me the reason to live
Life with you is good, so good, I just have to share it with others around
Waking up and listening to sweet hymns from the birds makes my day
Waking up and smelling the fresh breath of the day, makes me spread my arms and fly
Waking up and knowing that You have granted me yet another day, blesses my soul
Take my hand and let me not depart from You oh Lord
When I gave my heart to You , all things opened up for me
That’s the day I fell in love with You

ormula for Wisdom  {THE POSITIVE (2 Peter 1:8) THE NEGATIVE (2 PETER 1:9)}

or wisdom is better than rubies and all things that may be desired are not to be compared to it (PROVERB 8:11)

And beside this giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue, and to virtue knowledge; and to knowledge temperance; and to temperance patience; and to patience godliness; and to godliness brotherly kindness and to brotherly kindness charity.

For if these things be in you and abound they make you that you shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

But he that lacks these things is blind and cannot see afar off, and has forgotten that he was purged from his old sins.
For if you do these things you shall never fail, for an entrance shall be ministered to you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
Wisdom is profitable to direct you in all affairs of life. Seek wisdom by applying the formula today. When you fear God you start having wisdom when you apply the formula for wisdom, wisdom becomes a part of you.