Wednesday 5 December 2018

Rekindling the Love in a Relationship

Plan a vacation together. Even if you can’t afford a vacation right now, sitting down for a few hours and discussing your dream vacation will help you to reconnect. It will also provide you both with something to look forward to and daydream about. If you get to take the vacation someday, it will be extra special because of all of the time you spent planning it together. If you never get a chance to take the vacation together, you will still have many happy memories of planning the vacation

Create traditions. Having shared traditions is a great way to strengthen the bond between you and your partner. Brainstorm with your partner to create some traditions that will strengthen your bond. You can look forward to these traditions and create new ones as your relationship continues to progress.
·         Many traditions evolve over time as a result of your mutual likes and dislikes. For example, you might both enjoy watching the Oscars and start a tradition of having an Oscar watching party where you both dress up and present each other with an award.
Create moments together. Make a conscious effort to do things together. Even if your schedules are tight, make sure that you set aside some time to spend together every week. You can cook a meal together, go shopping together, or watch a movie. Try to have a date every week to stay connected

Spice up your life in the bedroom. Things can become boring between couples that have been together for a long time, but you can always do things to spice up your sex life. If you are willing to try something new, you can reinvigorate your sex life and breathe passion into the relationship.
·         Be open and honest about your desires – you should always talk with your partner before trying something new.
Show how much you love someone with gifts, surprises, or adventures. It is too easy to take someone for granted when you’ve been with them for years, but you need to take the time to acknowledge how much your partner matters to you.Bring flowers home from work, bake a cake just because, or buy those new shoes your lover has been eyeing. Showing that you think about your partner even when you are not together is a fantastic way to keep your love alive.
·         Remember that you cannot buy someone’s love. Any gifts you buy should be thoughtful, not just expensive

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